Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Gift

Many of you have heard me talking in workshops about how the energy of healing can slow down the progression of cancer, even to the point of halting it completely. Although I gave many examples of this, my favourite was the story of the lady that I found sat on the steps of the clinic that I worked in. She was crying her eyes out, and when I asked her what was wrong, she told me that she had lung cancer and the doctors had just told her she only had three or four weeks to live. I took her into the clinic and immediately did one healing session on her. This created a relationship between us that lasted for nine months. During this time I did a healing session with her every week for those nine months.
The reason why she had been crying was that she was absolutely terrified of dying. During the nine months that I treated her, we talked often about what would happen when she died, where she would go, and what she would experience. Through talking this subject through over the nine months her fear of dying was alleviated.
After I had been treating her for nine months she suddenly decided to ask me to come once every two weeks, and then soon after this once every month. As soon as we started to space out the healing more, the cancer in her lungs activated once again she died in her sleep a month later. She had decided it was time to go and that was ok.

This is typical of the service that doing healing for people with cancer can be. It is my understanding and reality that healing will slow cancer down if not stopping it completely, and gives the person time to assimilate the situation in which they find themselves. As a healer, I often contemplated what it would be like to have cancer, but I never thought for a moment that I would receive the same kind of gift myself if I contracted cancer. This has been the case however.

For those of you who have read the death and dying article, you will know that as you take your last breath there is a process that we all go through where we let go of the various bodies that we have used to manifest on the third dimensional plane. These consist of the physical/etheric, the emotional body, and the mental body. One has to let go of each of these bodies before one finds oneself in the radiant light of your soul.

Over the last three months I have been aware that the two years that have passed since the original operation to remove the cancerous tumour in my mouth, has been spent grieving the loss of Kevin Core. It is said that if someone loses a loved one through death it takes two years of processing before one can finally let go of that person. As a councillor who helped people grieve their lost relatives, I can vouch for the fact that this two-year period is roughly correct. What I have found, however, is that over the two years that have passed since the original operation, I have been grieving everything that is Kevin Core
How is this a service? At the time of writing this blog I can honestly say that I have brought into balance every aspect of my life as this personality. It is through the constant looking back at my life over the last two years, of working through the emotional attachments, of the mental anxieties that have sprung up periodically in my life, that I can honestly say I have brought all of these into balance. If it was that I took my last breath tomorrow, I would not have to do all of this processing on the emotional and mental plane, having done the work here, I would very speedily drop the emotional and mental body's and find myself in that wonderful place of my own soul and the Masters.
So this is the service that the healing has done for me. It has held this cancer in abeyance for the last two years so that I have been able to do all the work on myself, on my personality, to bring it all into balance so that I can honestly say in this moment I am totally at peace with myself. Such is the gift of healing.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Health Update

At this moment in time, Christine and I feel that we are at a turning point with Deep River. As detailed in the last blog, I have now completely finished taking morphine but it has taken over 10 days to clear it out of my system. It has been amazing how it has undermined my perception of self, and caused me to drift into a space of accepting the inevitable, which is being conquered by this illness. As the morphine cleared out of my system, so my resolve returned.

At the moment, I am taking a medication called Tramaset, which is a combination of a mild opiate and Paracetamol. I am also taking another medication called Pregabalin, which is used to treat people with epilepsy, but has the quality of reducing nerve pain.
Since writing the last blog I have been completely free of all pain as long as I take these two medications. This is a massive shift in my condition, because only two weeks ago, I was suffering from the most amazingly intense pain on a daily basis.

One of the major contributing factors to my speedy recovery is the fact that I have been consulting a homoeopath as part of the treatment for Deep River. I am absolutely sure that the cessation of the pain has been due entirely to the homoeopathic remedies that I have been prescribed. One of the results of these remedies is that a hole opened up spontaneously in the left-hand side of my neck. If you look at the photograph in this blog you will see the large lump that has formed there. Although the doctors have taken biopsies from this lump and stated it is cancer, I do not believe this to be true. I believe that the original operation two years ago caused the blockage in the lymph system in my neck. This lump is the result of the blockage. With the opening of the hole in my neck, and the constant draining over the last 10 days of excess lymph fluid, I have seen a cessation of the intense pain that I have been experiencing.

It is Christine and my intention that the whole of this journey will be to create a system of healing which will clear cancer on any level. We intend to teach it as part of a two-day course later this year, and also to integrate it into the Seven-Day Angelic Reiki Workshops that we will teach throughout the world this year. It will also be a major part of the Angelic Reiki update that we will be holding in England, also later this year.
As part of the treatment for cancer, we strongly recommend that a classical homoeopath be consulted to support the healing. This is the course that I have walked over the last two months, and I feel that the effect of the homoeopathic remedies is solely contributory to the disappearance of the pain.

We also strongly recommend that anybody who wishes to follow the line of treatment that we indicate, should also seek out an Angelic Reiki Healer, preferably at Master Level, to do a healing at least once a week. Obviously, Christine and I can avail us of this energy at any time, and I cannot stress too strongly how much it supports the healing in this illness.

To give an indication of how the healing can help, on a bad day, which is what I have had today, one of the side effects of having this illness is extreme tiredness and exhaustion. In the course of today I have only been awake for five hours since midnight last night, it now being 8 PM at the time of writing this blog. It has taken me all of my time to move from one place to another without feeling extremely exhausted
Another side-effect, which I have mentioned before, is a shortness of breath. I find this one particularly distressing; as you can feel that you are choking and suffocating at the same time. Although we have the tools to overcome this illness, one can get so immersed in it as we cannot see what needs to be done in any one moment. So it was today. I have been feeling so ill today that I could not focus on what I needed to help me clear this intense tiredness. It was only at Christine's insistence; at 4 PM this afternoon that she felt we should do a healing. This is what we did, for about 15 minutes. I cannot explain how powerfully the energy came in to clear this tiredness. Christine felt that the energy came from master level and energise both of us to an extreme degree. Since the healing, I am now completely energised and raring to go, and ready to tackle anything. We sometimes forget what an amazing gift we have been given.

Christine returns to Luxor on 25 January, and I follow one week later. We feel that this will cause a big shift in the energy around us; that having lived in this cottage for the last six months has been a burning ground for me; a Dark Night of the Soul, where I have died, and been reborn. Once I get in to the sunshine of Luxor, and get energised by it, I feel that my healing will take on new meaning, and I am hopeful that I will start to teach workshops this year. I will reiterate again that this illness has been the most amazing gift, and if I had to go through it again to get the same results I would.
Once again, I would like to thank all of you for your e-mails of support, and I am hoping to reply to them as soon as possible.
Much love to you all.Kevin.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Twighlight Zone

Hi all.
So, another week passes since I last contributed to this blog.
On reflection, as I write these words, it occurs to me that Kevin Core has not been around for the last two months. The start of the exodus into other realms began with the advent of the intense pain that I started to feel nearly 2 months ago. After having called the emergency services, and finding myself in the emergency room, I was given morphine in order to alleviate the pain. As these periods of pain intensified, and I sought advice from my local health-care professionals, it was decided to prescribe morphine for me on a regular basis. This was first given as a liquid that I took whenever I needed to alleviate intense pain. This later expanded into morphine patches, which resemble patches not unlike the ones that you use to stop smoking. Once applied to the skin, they remain in position for three days and introduced into the body a continuous supply of morphine. I had just got a supply of these patches just before Christmas, and it was when I had these attached to me, that we found it difficult over Christmas, in the sense I could not partake in the festivities.

I do feel to some extent that the spiritual practices that I do, which do have a refining nature on the energy bodies, can leave one susceptible to very dense chemicalisation. It may be that this has left me very susceptible to the side effects of these medications. Whatever the cause, I have found these medications are too much for me. Since writing the last blog, I have had to take the morphine because I still have periods of pain, but once again found it put me in a very difficult space in which I cannot work at all. In fact, for the last week I have been sleeping nearly 16 hours a day. This becaome unbearable when Christine was in tears because she missed me too much. I simply was not here! In order for me to function on any normal level whatsoever I have now had to leave morphine alone completely.

So what does it do?
What I will describe now is how morphine affects me, but I cannot say that it will affect everybody in this way.
As soon as I started to take morphine I realised that it centred my consciousness on the fourth dimensional plane. It totally disconnected me from any reality on the third dimensional plane, that means that I lost touch with all of reality as we experienced it in everyday waking life.
It seemed to trigger in me a spontaneous dream state that ran side-by-side with my everyday waking state. What I found very disconcerting was that I would switch from my everyday waking state, here and now, to the particular dream that I was having on the fourth dimensional plane. This would happen spontaneously and without warning. To say that confusion occurred would be an understatement. One minute I would be talking to Christine about a certain set of circumstances here and then suddenly be relating to Christine an experience I was having in a dream state on the fourth dimensional plane. For Christine, as the Observer, she heard a totally disjointed conversation. As time progressed, I found I was censoring what I would say to Christine before I would say it and check which reality I was commenting on before I opened my mouth.

Another very disconcerting side-effect of morphine is that the conscious mind could not make up its mind whether it was awake or asleep. And so halfway through a conversation with Christine I would suddenly drop my head forward and fall asleep. This could happen any time anywhere. Driving became an issue and I could not get behind the wheel any more. I would sit watching TV at night with Christine, watching a particular programme, and then suddenly snap awake half an hour later without realising that I had fallen asleep at all. This also happened while I was working on the computer. I would be writing something as part of the work that I am doing, and then the next thing I would wake-up 20 minutes later without realising that I had fallen asleep at all.
Other side-effects of the morphine was that it caused spontaneous muscle spasms. I had to be very careful of this one because I would sit on the settee with Christine drinking a cup of coffee, and the next minute my whole body would jump and the coffee would end up flying everywhere including into my lap. This was not good at all as it would shower the whole of the settee we were sitting on, and of course it is not our cottage that we are staying in.
Another side-effect was that I could not sleep at night. It caused me to experience a sense of foreboding. I found it very difficult just to lay in bed and stay in one position for longer than a few minutes without feeling a sense of paranoia creeping in.
Another side-effect was the fact that morphine interferes with the respiratory process, and one can find oneself very short of breath. This really screwed up my meditation in the sense that I do a lot of pranayama which is deep breathing. I found I could no longer do this any more. This of course caused me a lot of consternation as it is through my meditational practice that I define who I am. The taking of morphine totally disempowered me as the person I believe myself to be. I could not meditate, or sleep, and most of the time I found myself drifting into some kind of twilight zone without reference to time or space.

As I have said, the only viable thing that I can now do is to come off the morphine, which I have done for the last five days. I am now coming back into some kind of balance and feel at last like my old self once again. We are also seeing a great improvement in the pain and also the feeling of inflammation in my throat. We attribute this to the various alternative therapies that we have constantly been taking over the last two months, and we believe we are now starting to see some cellular change as a result of this. At the moment of writing this Christine and I are very optimistic that we are on the path of recovery. Once again, I would like to thank all the people who have sent me e-mails over the last couple of weeks, and who have not received a reply. As you can tell from the above I have not been in the space to be able to sit in front of the computer and write any replies to anybody. I am hoping that in the next few days I can remedy this.

As I have written everything above I am not decrying the use of morphine for one minute. I was talking to my GP today and he very rightly pointed out to me that the people who are experiencing intense pain 24/7 morphine give a much-needed respite. What one has to do whenever one is taking allopathic remedies as opposed to alternative remedies is to find the middle ground. Both have their place in the treatment of illness and it is up to us to find that for each of us.
I also write this account of my experiences with morphine so that all of you out there who may have patients who have to resort to morphine can give them advice from a place of informed decision based on what I have said. For those people who live a life of clarity of consciousness morphine will definitely prove to be a difficult path.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Consciousness Grid

For those of you who have read the article that I wrote on death and dying, which I mentioned in an earlier blog, and in which I supplied the link so that you can download the article, I referred to the fact that I have spent a lot of work working with people who are going through the dying process. In the article, I detailed specifically the help I gave to my grandmother, and the process that she went through in her death, and which I had the good grace to help her with.

Also, in this time period, I had the experience of having to come to terms with the death of my mother, and after my grandmother's death, I participated and helped in the death of my stepfather of some years previous. All in all, I felt at this time, I had a good feel for the energy of death and how it affects consciousness. I had mused in the past that if ever I had cancer I would be able to deal with the situation and the effect it would have on me because of these past links. I have to say here and now, that I was completely caught unaware by the power and the energy of contracting cancer and the effect that this had on my consciousness.
I found that with the development of cancer in my mouth I started to log in to the cancer consciousness grid, and from there start to download all of the negative energy contained within the grid.

So what do I mean when I talk about the consciousness grid?
This is a term that has been bandied around quite a lot in the New Age. It refers to a group consciousness. We are all aware that when groups of humans come together in a like mind they create a group consciousness. This is very evident at football matches, and political rallies. When a group of people come together, regardless of the size of the group, and holds a particular focus, that the entire group adheres to and recognises, they create a single entity with many parts. Each part is the individualise consciousness of one of the members of the group. The group consciousness, however, can have its own agenda, and can put forward powerful ideas and doctrines, that, when each member of the group is subjected to these ideas, they find it irresistible to resist adopting these particular ideas and doctrines. Especially in groups of football supporters, it has been shown that people who in their everyday lives are normal and placid, can, when under the influence of the group, behave totally out of character.

In the New-Age, this has become a particularly popular concept. We have all heard of the term "the 100th monkey syndrome". This comes from a study of a particular species of monkey that inhabited a group of islands in the South Seas. It was found that if a group of monkeys on one particular island were taught to retrieve food in a particular way, all of the monkeys on the other islands started to acquire food in that way, without having any physical contact with the original group on the first island. This has come to prove that the only way that the monkeys could have learned the trick, was to be part of a group consciousness that extended beyond the physical and influenced consciousness. The scientist Rupert Sheldrake has done extensive work on this and calls the consciousness grid the Anthropomorphic Field.

If one could see the field of energy, it would look like a sphere of interconnecting lines of energy. This sphere of energy exists around the planet. In fact, wherever groups of human beings come together and create a group thoughtform, they create a sphere of energy around the planet. As you can imagine, the planet is surrounded by millions of such spheres that we are constantly logging in and logging out of everyday.
The sphere of energy which I call the cancer grid is particularly powerful. It contains all of the grief, anger, and fear that has and is being created around the illness of cancer for many thousands of years. When you are diagnosed with cancer, your consciousness merges with this grid and if you are not prepared will download all of the negative energy contained within it.
So it is that when you contract cancer you have two things to deal with. One is the illness itself, and the other is the effects of being connected to this group consciousness of cancer.
As I have mentioned above, even though I had done a lot of work with people who had suffered from cancer, and been around a lot of people who had died from cancer, when I merged with this grid after having been told I had cancer, I was totally unprepared for the massive download of negative energy that overwhelmed me at the time.

It has been shown by pioneers on the subject of death and dying, like Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and Stephen Levine, that when you are confronted with an illness that potentially will end your life, you have to come to terms with a number of emotional energies that potentially could overwhelm you.
The most powerful of these is anger, fear, grief, and depression. They do not come in any order, and you can find yourself adopting anyone at any time, and cycle through them endlessly. Not only do you have to deal with your own fears about dying, and contracting cancer, but you have to come to terms with the fact that you will be connected to the consciousness grid where you are potentially subjected to all of the fear and anger of everybody that has ever had cancer on this planet over thousands of years.
The major way of coming to terms with this and to lessen the effect is to be aware that this grid exists and to make a decision that you do not want, and will not be affected by it. This will dramatically reduce the download of negative energy that can overwhelm you.

It has been recognised in the treatment of cancer that a great part of the treatment is to remain positive and absolutely know that you are going to beat and overcome it. It is extremely important that you remain positive in regard to it. It can mean the difference between life and death.
One of the other results that comes from the existence of this grid is that certain healthcare professionals are also affected by it. Christine and I have found that when we have attended meetings or appointments with certain healthcare officials who are involved in the treatment of my cancer, we have left these meetings feeling depressed and dejected. One of the reasons for this is that these people, when they are talking to you, are projecting onto you their opinion as to the outcome of your illness. If, in their opinion, the outcome is that you will die, this will be projected onto you by these people and certainly have an effect on your consciousness at that time. If this happens, you have to shake yourself after leaving the meeting and reaffirm your commitment to overcoming the illness and sloughing off any negative energy that they may have projected onto you.

It could be interpreted from the above that I am being very hard on all of the people involved. However, none of this would exist if it was taken on board that cancer can be cured by alternative methods other than Allopathic means, and that consciousness grids to do exist that affected us every day of our lives.

To those people reading this, or people who may treat people with cancer I recommend the following. The word ‘cancer’ has such powerful connotations as indicated above, that when you are dealing with the illness yourself, I have found it extremely useful to give the cancer another name other than cancer. To do so diffuses the energy and allows you to still focus on the energy of the illness without being affected by the consciousness grid. The name I have chosen for my particular cancer is Deep River.
In another part of this blog I will explain and detail the communication I have had with this illness which I call Deep River and show by giving cancer another name you can become intimate with the illness to such a degree that there is an extremely good chance that you can overcome it and let it go once and for all.
Much love.

New Direction

Hi All.
Once again, I must apologise for the big gap between postings on this blog site. For the last six weeks Christine and I have been through the most difficult time. It started with me getting up one morning, and halfway through my first cup of coffee, the most intense pain hit me on the left side of my face. Unable to bear it, I resorted to calling the emergency services, and found myself in the emergency room sometime later. Over a period of three hours, I was given several shots of morphine, which eventually brought the pain under control.

Since this time, this pain has re-occurred at various times but in the last four weeks has started to occur at least once every 24 hours. This has made it extremely difficult for Christine and I to live a normal life, because when we are out and this pain starts to come in, I find myself very disabled and unable to function. This can be quite embarrassing if you find yourself in the middle of Asda.
For the last four weeks we have been attempting to find a cause of this pain. I am very happy to say that we have now done that, but I am still experiencing the pain and having to come to terms with it.

The long and the short of it is the fact that the kind of medication that I am taking has adverse side effects, which is the ability to drop your blood pressure. This is what has been happening to me. All of the medication that I am taking at this moment in time are opiate derivatives, this means that they are derived from opium. One of the major side effects of opium is its ability to affect blood pressure. So the scenario is as follows: I start to feel lightheaded, and the pain starts to come down my left hand side. I immediately take morphine, which drops my blood pressure further, causing me more pain, which causes me to take more morphine, which causes my blood pressure to drop even further etc. After 1 to 2 hours of taking morphine every 20 minutes, there comes a time when I am so out of it that the pain just disappears. Unfortunately, the effect of the morphine is so somnambulistic that I cannot function normally.

Christmas was a particularly difficult time. After spending some time in the hospice, of which I will talk later in this blog, we tried various ways of administering painkilling drugs in the effort to find a balance. When I left the hospice, the drugs that I was taking were, a drug that is normally given to control epilepsy but also is very good at controlling nerve pain, and the morphine was given through a patch, very much like a no-smoking patch. I also had a bottle of liquid morphine that I could use as a backup in case the pain became extreme.
What I found was that the morphine patches introduced into my system a continuous flow of morphine, and it was this that I had the problem with. As the morphine integrated itself into my body, I found myself acting as though I had just drank 12 pints of beer, and that is okay if you want to feel drunk all the time. It was not what I wanted to experience at 8 AM on Christmas morning. I was so out of it on Christmas day that I spent most of the time asleep in bed. Of course, Christine found this very difficult because we had arranged to spend Christmas together, and so she found herself having to spend Christmas alone while I was asleep upstairs, hence the difficult time.

The ray of realisation started to come in after I felt intuitively to buy a BP monitor. When I was experiencing one of the episodes of extreme pain, we took a measurement of my blood pressure and found that it was extremely low. Having gone on the Internet to find out the causes of low blood pressure, we found that the medication I was taking was synonymous with this condition. Since discovering this I have now stopped using the morphine patches and only take it in liquid form when I need to.
At the same time as all this was going on, a copy of ‘The Secret’ came into our possession.
It was extremely refreshing to find out that they were saying, and teaching, the same things that Christine and I teach in the workshop ‘The Seven Laws Of Angelic Manifestation and Abundance’.
In The Secret, they focus on one of the laws of abundance which is the Law of Giving and Receiving. If anybody has watched this DVD, they will find that using this one law is very powerful indeed. For Christine and me it was a great gift. It allowed us to see, through our walking the path of conventional medicine, how much we had deviated from our own perception of where we should be in relation to alternative therapies. We had allowed ourselves to integrate consciousness with the allopathic veiw that there is no cure for cancer. We have found ourselves gradually succumbing to this idea, and losing hope as to whether I would ever overcome this condition. I am happy to say that watching The Secret has allowed Christine and myself to see how much we have deviated from our normal perception, and it has allowed us to snap back into where we were. For myself personally, it has allowed me to gather myself mentally and sort this out once and for all.

Where I am now, in relation to my family and the doctors and nurses that are treating me, is that I have a terminal illness, and the inevitable outcome will be that I will probably not see another Christmas. Christine and I feel this projection whenever we are in the space of these people. Watching The Secret has taken us back into where we should be, knowing absolutely that we are the creators of our own reality, and as such can create any future that we desire. Since observing this, Christine and I have undergone a major transformation through Christmas and New Year, and we now find ourselves totally rejuvenated and recharged with spiritual energy in order to recreate our future.

At the moment of writing this blog, I am organising workshops for myself throughout next year. I will be doing a major Angelic Reiki update in England, and the major part of this update will be all of the lessons and techniques that I have learnt to overcome cancer. When I look back at everything that I have gone through, I see there has been a pattern, and that pattern is a full healing system for anybody who has or anybody who knows somebody who has cancer. I am so confident that this will work that I am arranging for these workshops in the future. The fact that I am now designated terminally ill, and the future fact that I will be here to tell the tale, will be proof that what we will teach works.
I intend to put down in written form everything that I am talking about, so that each Angelic Reiki practitioner and teacher will have a proven technique for helping people overcome cancer. My focus for the next 12 months will be to pass this knowledge out to everybody.

The other focus that I will be putting my attention on will be to re-energise the workshop ‘ The Seven Laws of Angelic Manifestation and Abundance’. As I have said, the DVD The Secret just deals with one of these laws, so how much more powerful if we integrate the full Seven Laws of Abundance. It is my desire to share these seven laws with all of you so that from this moment in time we can totally clear this perception that we cannot earn enough money to support ourselves or create our future. I am absolutely sure in my knowledge that these laws work, they cannot fail to do so and I am staking my life on it, and so if you are up to it, we will walk the path together and show people how we can create any reality that we want for ourselves.

As I have to stay in England for the next 12 months, mainly to be able to get the medical support that I need, I will be teaching most of these workshops by myself in England. If any of you are interested in the Angelic Reiki update, or the Manifestation Workshop then please get in touch with me.

And so it is that we now move on and to all intents and purposes create a miracle, where I will walk away from a terminal illness using only my intention. As always, it seems I have done this as an example to all that this energy that we have been given truly works.
I would like to thank all of you who have sent me e-mails of support in the last six weeks, but I have not been able to reply due to the intensity of my medical condition.
Much love.