Saturday, January 17, 2009

Health Update

At this moment in time, Christine and I feel that we are at a turning point with Deep River. As detailed in the last blog, I have now completely finished taking morphine but it has taken over 10 days to clear it out of my system. It has been amazing how it has undermined my perception of self, and caused me to drift into a space of accepting the inevitable, which is being conquered by this illness. As the morphine cleared out of my system, so my resolve returned.

At the moment, I am taking a medication called Tramaset, which is a combination of a mild opiate and Paracetamol. I am also taking another medication called Pregabalin, which is used to treat people with epilepsy, but has the quality of reducing nerve pain.
Since writing the last blog I have been completely free of all pain as long as I take these two medications. This is a massive shift in my condition, because only two weeks ago, I was suffering from the most amazingly intense pain on a daily basis.

One of the major contributing factors to my speedy recovery is the fact that I have been consulting a homoeopath as part of the treatment for Deep River. I am absolutely sure that the cessation of the pain has been due entirely to the homoeopathic remedies that I have been prescribed. One of the results of these remedies is that a hole opened up spontaneously in the left-hand side of my neck. If you look at the photograph in this blog you will see the large lump that has formed there. Although the doctors have taken biopsies from this lump and stated it is cancer, I do not believe this to be true. I believe that the original operation two years ago caused the blockage in the lymph system in my neck. This lump is the result of the blockage. With the opening of the hole in my neck, and the constant draining over the last 10 days of excess lymph fluid, I have seen a cessation of the intense pain that I have been experiencing.

It is Christine and my intention that the whole of this journey will be to create a system of healing which will clear cancer on any level. We intend to teach it as part of a two-day course later this year, and also to integrate it into the Seven-Day Angelic Reiki Workshops that we will teach throughout the world this year. It will also be a major part of the Angelic Reiki update that we will be holding in England, also later this year.
As part of the treatment for cancer, we strongly recommend that a classical homoeopath be consulted to support the healing. This is the course that I have walked over the last two months, and I feel that the effect of the homoeopathic remedies is solely contributory to the disappearance of the pain.

We also strongly recommend that anybody who wishes to follow the line of treatment that we indicate, should also seek out an Angelic Reiki Healer, preferably at Master Level, to do a healing at least once a week. Obviously, Christine and I can avail us of this energy at any time, and I cannot stress too strongly how much it supports the healing in this illness.

To give an indication of how the healing can help, on a bad day, which is what I have had today, one of the side effects of having this illness is extreme tiredness and exhaustion. In the course of today I have only been awake for five hours since midnight last night, it now being 8 PM at the time of writing this blog. It has taken me all of my time to move from one place to another without feeling extremely exhausted
Another side-effect, which I have mentioned before, is a shortness of breath. I find this one particularly distressing; as you can feel that you are choking and suffocating at the same time. Although we have the tools to overcome this illness, one can get so immersed in it as we cannot see what needs to be done in any one moment. So it was today. I have been feeling so ill today that I could not focus on what I needed to help me clear this intense tiredness. It was only at Christine's insistence; at 4 PM this afternoon that she felt we should do a healing. This is what we did, for about 15 minutes. I cannot explain how powerfully the energy came in to clear this tiredness. Christine felt that the energy came from master level and energise both of us to an extreme degree. Since the healing, I am now completely energised and raring to go, and ready to tackle anything. We sometimes forget what an amazing gift we have been given.

Christine returns to Luxor on 25 January, and I follow one week later. We feel that this will cause a big shift in the energy around us; that having lived in this cottage for the last six months has been a burning ground for me; a Dark Night of the Soul, where I have died, and been reborn. Once I get in to the sunshine of Luxor, and get energised by it, I feel that my healing will take on new meaning, and I am hopeful that I will start to teach workshops this year. I will reiterate again that this illness has been the most amazing gift, and if I had to go through it again to get the same results I would.
Once again, I would like to thank all of you for your e-mails of support, and I am hoping to reply to them as soon as possible.
Much love to you all.Kevin.

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