Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Direction

Hi All.
Once again, I must apologise for the big gap between postings on this blog site. For the last six weeks Christine and I have been through the most difficult time. It started with me getting up one morning, and halfway through my first cup of coffee, the most intense pain hit me on the left side of my face. Unable to bear it, I resorted to calling the emergency services, and found myself in the emergency room sometime later. Over a period of three hours, I was given several shots of morphine, which eventually brought the pain under control.

Since this time, this pain has re-occurred at various times but in the last four weeks has started to occur at least once every 24 hours. This has made it extremely difficult for Christine and I to live a normal life, because when we are out and this pain starts to come in, I find myself very disabled and unable to function. This can be quite embarrassing if you find yourself in the middle of Asda.
For the last four weeks we have been attempting to find a cause of this pain. I am very happy to say that we have now done that, but I am still experiencing the pain and having to come to terms with it.

The long and the short of it is the fact that the kind of medication that I am taking has adverse side effects, which is the ability to drop your blood pressure. This is what has been happening to me. All of the medication that I am taking at this moment in time are opiate derivatives, this means that they are derived from opium. One of the major side effects of opium is its ability to affect blood pressure. So the scenario is as follows: I start to feel lightheaded, and the pain starts to come down my left hand side. I immediately take morphine, which drops my blood pressure further, causing me more pain, which causes me to take more morphine, which causes my blood pressure to drop even further etc. After 1 to 2 hours of taking morphine every 20 minutes, there comes a time when I am so out of it that the pain just disappears. Unfortunately, the effect of the morphine is so somnambulistic that I cannot function normally.

Christmas was a particularly difficult time. After spending some time in the hospice, of which I will talk later in this blog, we tried various ways of administering painkilling drugs in the effort to find a balance. When I left the hospice, the drugs that I was taking were, a drug that is normally given to control epilepsy but also is very good at controlling nerve pain, and the morphine was given through a patch, very much like a no-smoking patch. I also had a bottle of liquid morphine that I could use as a backup in case the pain became extreme.
What I found was that the morphine patches introduced into my system a continuous flow of morphine, and it was this that I had the problem with. As the morphine integrated itself into my body, I found myself acting as though I had just drank 12 pints of beer, and that is okay if you want to feel drunk all the time. It was not what I wanted to experience at 8 AM on Christmas morning. I was so out of it on Christmas day that I spent most of the time asleep in bed. Of course, Christine found this very difficult because we had arranged to spend Christmas together, and so she found herself having to spend Christmas alone while I was asleep upstairs, hence the difficult time.

The ray of realisation started to come in after I felt intuitively to buy a BP monitor. When I was experiencing one of the episodes of extreme pain, we took a measurement of my blood pressure and found that it was extremely low. Having gone on the Internet to find out the causes of low blood pressure, we found that the medication I was taking was synonymous with this condition. Since discovering this I have now stopped using the morphine patches and only take it in liquid form when I need to.
At the same time as all this was going on, a copy of ‘The Secret’ came into our possession.
It was extremely refreshing to find out that they were saying, and teaching, the same things that Christine and I teach in the workshop ‘The Seven Laws Of Angelic Manifestation and Abundance’.
In The Secret, they focus on one of the laws of abundance which is the Law of Giving and Receiving. If anybody has watched this DVD, they will find that using this one law is very powerful indeed. For Christine and me it was a great gift. It allowed us to see, through our walking the path of conventional medicine, how much we had deviated from our own perception of where we should be in relation to alternative therapies. We had allowed ourselves to integrate consciousness with the allopathic veiw that there is no cure for cancer. We have found ourselves gradually succumbing to this idea, and losing hope as to whether I would ever overcome this condition. I am happy to say that watching The Secret has allowed Christine and myself to see how much we have deviated from our normal perception, and it has allowed us to snap back into where we were. For myself personally, it has allowed me to gather myself mentally and sort this out once and for all.

Where I am now, in relation to my family and the doctors and nurses that are treating me, is that I have a terminal illness, and the inevitable outcome will be that I will probably not see another Christmas. Christine and I feel this projection whenever we are in the space of these people. Watching The Secret has taken us back into where we should be, knowing absolutely that we are the creators of our own reality, and as such can create any future that we desire. Since observing this, Christine and I have undergone a major transformation through Christmas and New Year, and we now find ourselves totally rejuvenated and recharged with spiritual energy in order to recreate our future.

At the moment of writing this blog, I am organising workshops for myself throughout next year. I will be doing a major Angelic Reiki update in England, and the major part of this update will be all of the lessons and techniques that I have learnt to overcome cancer. When I look back at everything that I have gone through, I see there has been a pattern, and that pattern is a full healing system for anybody who has or anybody who knows somebody who has cancer. I am so confident that this will work that I am arranging for these workshops in the future. The fact that I am now designated terminally ill, and the future fact that I will be here to tell the tale, will be proof that what we will teach works.
I intend to put down in written form everything that I am talking about, so that each Angelic Reiki practitioner and teacher will have a proven technique for helping people overcome cancer. My focus for the next 12 months will be to pass this knowledge out to everybody.

The other focus that I will be putting my attention on will be to re-energise the workshop ‘ The Seven Laws of Angelic Manifestation and Abundance’. As I have said, the DVD The Secret just deals with one of these laws, so how much more powerful if we integrate the full Seven Laws of Abundance. It is my desire to share these seven laws with all of you so that from this moment in time we can totally clear this perception that we cannot earn enough money to support ourselves or create our future. I am absolutely sure in my knowledge that these laws work, they cannot fail to do so and I am staking my life on it, and so if you are up to it, we will walk the path together and show people how we can create any reality that we want for ourselves.

As I have to stay in England for the next 12 months, mainly to be able to get the medical support that I need, I will be teaching most of these workshops by myself in England. If any of you are interested in the Angelic Reiki update, or the Manifestation Workshop then please get in touch with me.

And so it is that we now move on and to all intents and purposes create a miracle, where I will walk away from a terminal illness using only my intention. As always, it seems I have done this as an example to all that this energy that we have been given truly works.
I would like to thank all of you who have sent me e-mails of support in the last six weeks, but I have not been able to reply due to the intensity of my medical condition.
Much love.

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