Saturday, January 3, 2009

Consciousness Grid

For those of you who have read the article that I wrote on death and dying, which I mentioned in an earlier blog, and in which I supplied the link so that you can download the article, I referred to the fact that I have spent a lot of work working with people who are going through the dying process. In the article, I detailed specifically the help I gave to my grandmother, and the process that she went through in her death, and which I had the good grace to help her with.

Also, in this time period, I had the experience of having to come to terms with the death of my mother, and after my grandmother's death, I participated and helped in the death of my stepfather of some years previous. All in all, I felt at this time, I had a good feel for the energy of death and how it affects consciousness. I had mused in the past that if ever I had cancer I would be able to deal with the situation and the effect it would have on me because of these past links. I have to say here and now, that I was completely caught unaware by the power and the energy of contracting cancer and the effect that this had on my consciousness.
I found that with the development of cancer in my mouth I started to log in to the cancer consciousness grid, and from there start to download all of the negative energy contained within the grid.

So what do I mean when I talk about the consciousness grid?
This is a term that has been bandied around quite a lot in the New Age. It refers to a group consciousness. We are all aware that when groups of humans come together in a like mind they create a group consciousness. This is very evident at football matches, and political rallies. When a group of people come together, regardless of the size of the group, and holds a particular focus, that the entire group adheres to and recognises, they create a single entity with many parts. Each part is the individualise consciousness of one of the members of the group. The group consciousness, however, can have its own agenda, and can put forward powerful ideas and doctrines, that, when each member of the group is subjected to these ideas, they find it irresistible to resist adopting these particular ideas and doctrines. Especially in groups of football supporters, it has been shown that people who in their everyday lives are normal and placid, can, when under the influence of the group, behave totally out of character.

In the New-Age, this has become a particularly popular concept. We have all heard of the term "the 100th monkey syndrome". This comes from a study of a particular species of monkey that inhabited a group of islands in the South Seas. It was found that if a group of monkeys on one particular island were taught to retrieve food in a particular way, all of the monkeys on the other islands started to acquire food in that way, without having any physical contact with the original group on the first island. This has come to prove that the only way that the monkeys could have learned the trick, was to be part of a group consciousness that extended beyond the physical and influenced consciousness. The scientist Rupert Sheldrake has done extensive work on this and calls the consciousness grid the Anthropomorphic Field.

If one could see the field of energy, it would look like a sphere of interconnecting lines of energy. This sphere of energy exists around the planet. In fact, wherever groups of human beings come together and create a group thoughtform, they create a sphere of energy around the planet. As you can imagine, the planet is surrounded by millions of such spheres that we are constantly logging in and logging out of everyday.
The sphere of energy which I call the cancer grid is particularly powerful. It contains all of the grief, anger, and fear that has and is being created around the illness of cancer for many thousands of years. When you are diagnosed with cancer, your consciousness merges with this grid and if you are not prepared will download all of the negative energy contained within it.
So it is that when you contract cancer you have two things to deal with. One is the illness itself, and the other is the effects of being connected to this group consciousness of cancer.
As I have mentioned above, even though I had done a lot of work with people who had suffered from cancer, and been around a lot of people who had died from cancer, when I merged with this grid after having been told I had cancer, I was totally unprepared for the massive download of negative energy that overwhelmed me at the time.

It has been shown by pioneers on the subject of death and dying, like Elizabeth Kubler Ross, and Stephen Levine, that when you are confronted with an illness that potentially will end your life, you have to come to terms with a number of emotional energies that potentially could overwhelm you.
The most powerful of these is anger, fear, grief, and depression. They do not come in any order, and you can find yourself adopting anyone at any time, and cycle through them endlessly. Not only do you have to deal with your own fears about dying, and contracting cancer, but you have to come to terms with the fact that you will be connected to the consciousness grid where you are potentially subjected to all of the fear and anger of everybody that has ever had cancer on this planet over thousands of years.
The major way of coming to terms with this and to lessen the effect is to be aware that this grid exists and to make a decision that you do not want, and will not be affected by it. This will dramatically reduce the download of negative energy that can overwhelm you.

It has been recognised in the treatment of cancer that a great part of the treatment is to remain positive and absolutely know that you are going to beat and overcome it. It is extremely important that you remain positive in regard to it. It can mean the difference between life and death.
One of the other results that comes from the existence of this grid is that certain healthcare professionals are also affected by it. Christine and I have found that when we have attended meetings or appointments with certain healthcare officials who are involved in the treatment of my cancer, we have left these meetings feeling depressed and dejected. One of the reasons for this is that these people, when they are talking to you, are projecting onto you their opinion as to the outcome of your illness. If, in their opinion, the outcome is that you will die, this will be projected onto you by these people and certainly have an effect on your consciousness at that time. If this happens, you have to shake yourself after leaving the meeting and reaffirm your commitment to overcoming the illness and sloughing off any negative energy that they may have projected onto you.

It could be interpreted from the above that I am being very hard on all of the people involved. However, none of this would exist if it was taken on board that cancer can be cured by alternative methods other than Allopathic means, and that consciousness grids to do exist that affected us every day of our lives.

To those people reading this, or people who may treat people with cancer I recommend the following. The word ‘cancer’ has such powerful connotations as indicated above, that when you are dealing with the illness yourself, I have found it extremely useful to give the cancer another name other than cancer. To do so diffuses the energy and allows you to still focus on the energy of the illness without being affected by the consciousness grid. The name I have chosen for my particular cancer is Deep River.
In another part of this blog I will explain and detail the communication I have had with this illness which I call Deep River and show by giving cancer another name you can become intimate with the illness to such a degree that there is an extremely good chance that you can overcome it and let it go once and for all.
Much love.

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