Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A perspective from Christine.

Hi, as you will know I am now back in the UK, but have booked my flights to Mexico City for the end of the month, as it feels to both Kevin and I important that I fulfil this commitment. Nora, who invited us to go and teach Angelic Reiki in Mexico City last March, has spent eight months translating all the workbooks into Spanish. Kevin and I trust that he will be okay during the short time and I'll be away. We have postponed the workshops in Sedona until June 2009.

As you know the purpose of this blogger is a platform to share our perspective and experiences of this disease called cancer. All diseases express themselves through the physical and on a consciousness level. As you may expect we are particularly interested in the effect that cancer has on consciousness. There is a particular consciousness that comes with cancer and I think it can be understood by the nature of how the disease expresses itself. We produce cancer cells all the time and the normal processes for our immune system is to mop up the rogue cells that do not become sufficiently defined and therefore have no part to play in our body. Most new cells that are created become what they are meant to be. A new liver cell develops into a liver cell etc. most cells have within them the "intelligence" to grow into what they were meant to be. As those of you who do Angelic Reiki know, linking into a collective consciousness is very powerful and when one gets cancer one is automatically a member of "the cancer collective consciousness club" and an exceedingly proactive club this is.

Philip Day believes the cancer is a virus. A virus is so simple that it is incomplete and needs a host to express itself through. The characteristics of the consciousness aspect of cancer seem to be extremely potent. They have also been excessively energised by our culture's focus on cancer and by the number of people who have succumbed to this disease. It is difficult at first to define what the characteristics of this consciousness are, because they express themselves through the personality. What I mean by this is that if someone is experiencing cancer depression, then they do depression in their way. It is difficult to see what is actually cancer consciousness and that person's consciousness. It is not possible here to go through all the particular ways in which cancer expresses itself, but it does feel very important to realise that there is an energy that is rather like being overshadowed by a presence, that seems to come with this disease. As we know it is so easy to become identified with the feelings that we are having, and think they are ours.

To give one example though. Depression and hopelessness with cancer seems to have a characteristic of the desire to be separate. The hopelessness does not look for reassurance and support it rather turns inwards and a feeling of the desire to withdraw. We know of people who will even leave their loved ones. The hopelessness of cancer seems to create an acceptance of death, the illusion of the ultimate separation. They suffer alone and are often unwilling to actually communicate the pain that they are in. The cancer cell is separate and isolated from the rest of the cells, it is a rogue. It cannot fulfil its purpose; indeed it has no purpose physically.

There has been some excellent research showing that cancer comes from suppressed emotions (Dr. Candice Purt). This may be a significant traumatic event in our lives, but I also think it can be due to the ultimate emotion that we suppress, the grief of separation from the divine. As Djwhal Khul says through Alice Bailey, "all disease is as result of inhibited Soul life". In other words when we embrace the truth of our own divinity and totally let go of identification with personality and ego, WE CANNOT BE ILL. So all disease comes from the delusion of separation, the divine cannot be ill. The nature of cancer seems to express the characteristics of this so well.

What I am trying to say is that the emotional stuff that comes with cancer is quite complex and this complexity increases significantly the challenges for both the person with the disease and those close around them. The energetic shroud of cancer seems to me to be fourfold.
1. The enigmatic consciousness of the disease itself which is characterised by its very nature.
2. The modern-day focus on the disease and the consequential group consciousness that this has created.
3. The powerfully projected expectations of the medical profession (this has an effect beyond what I would ever have anticipated).
4. The normal feelings of the individual due to being unwell.

The fourth item in this list is what is “normal to feel when we are unwell, but my information is that on average the individuals "normal" feelings constitute only 50%, the rest is made up of 1, 2, & 3. As you can see from this it is exceptionally difficult with cancer to know what belongs to you or your loved one and what is absolutely nothing to do with them at all. Imagine having a cold and feeling twice as bad simply because of the other energies that are associated with it. I think that these factors contribute to the great swings in emotions that occur around cancer and which make it much more difficult to deal with than it needs to be.

So to put it plainly if someone with cancer is feeling despondent, depressed, anxious, hopelessness, separate etc these feelings are twice what is actually normal for that person. This distorts the person’s perception of reality and the ability of those around them to respond appropriately. Add the effects of conventional treatment to this and you really do have a terminal cocktail.

The blessing of cancer is that for those who will search, it is the guide for each of us to find and embrace the truth of our divinity. In this I do not mean some kind of intellectual understanding I mean a total integration of knowing to the extent where the personality has no agendas. You will recognise such person because they do not find themselves important and they are likely to fall over laughing at the illusion. The gift for the carer and loved ones is that you are given the best situation possible to practice non attachment and acceptance. It’s spiritual marathon Training.

If it is true, which it is, that thought forms manifest on the fourth dimensional astral plane, Kevin has more funerals planned for him and than soft Mick! !!!!!!!!!!!

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