Monday, October 13, 2008

Your help needed

Hi all.
Tomorrow, Christine and I journey down to London to have a consultation with a Shamanic Master Teacher. The reason for this are as follows. As you can probably imagine, over the three years that I have had this illness, I have received many messages of support and guidance from various people, and our friends. Two of our friends, who are very well known as channels and exceptional spiritual teachers are Jennifer Posada and Edward Courtenay. Please see their websites below.

These two of our friends, including others of our students, came up with very similar perceptions of me being interfered with by dark forces originating out of the temples of Egypt. It is also a consideration to remember that this cancer first appeared one month after Christine and I moved to the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, Egypt.
Now, as I try to perceive where this energy attached to my left shoulder is coming from, I see a temple in Egypt shrouded in darkness, there is a large group of Egyptian priest stood in front of a large alter. They are stood in the shape of a Chevron. At the head of the Chevron is a baldheaded priest dressed in gold. All of the priests behind him are channelling energy forward so that it is channelled into this particular priest and thence to me. This energy is flowing now even though this group is assembled in this temple 5000 years ago. Since receiving this information I have started the process of reversing this energy, and since doing this have felt the return of strength that I have mentioned in the previous blogs.

When I started to put out the information in this blog about where I am now, a good friend of mine, who I have known for many years, and trained in the Merkabah, did some shamanic work on my behalf and came up with the following information:-

"did some exploratorory shamanic work last night re "what was eating you"/what (if anything)being missed. spotted what looked like a gold scareb beetle eating at your neck.
first thought was this may be talisman. told to watch.
it turned into a large horned beetle still gold in colour but not metal. was v much alive and chewing away. more came into view.
NOW despite asking, I was not told whether this was eating at you or eating at the cancer. It felt as if it had been put there deliberately but I don't know whether for good or ill.It is v well masked.
I don't feel that the beetle represents the physical cancer. however what came strongly to mind later is that you may have been hit by some majick malevolently sent to stop you communicating the new teachings. it is Egyptian in origin. if you feel it is malevolent and therefore is not eating the cancer away, the beetle can be skewered via its underbelly. Its important it isn't crushed apparently.

I have done nothing as don't know what energies you and your friends have called in, and don't want to trigger removal of something if its working for your recovery! suggest you get Christine or someone with shamanic/majical ability close to you to check it out. If old majick has been used to cause harm I am not surprised the reiki is not removing it. obviously feel free to ignore but I had to pass info on. also possibly check past life - ? bitten by a stag beetle type creature?"

Although in the 20 years that I have been active spiritually, I have never really immersed myself in the philosophy of the Shamanic Faith, although I do understand it's working, and have memory of past lives where I took this path. I do not feel confident enough to draw on the limited experience I have in shamanic energy in order to be able to tackle this particular problem.
It is, then, that we have contacted our friends and come up with the name of a very experienced shamanic teacher in London, who we contacted four days ago, and is willing to do this work for us. We will attend a clinic in the centre of London tomorrow at 2:30 PM till 4:30 PM where we will try to find the source of the interference that we feel has been causing, or is part of the cause of this problem.
If any of you reading this blog would like to assist by sending your energy, or the energy of spirit as you contact it, we would be eternally grateful.
If you read this blog after the designated time do not worry. If you send your energy, either singly or as a group, and intend that Christine and I receive it at 2:30 PM tomorrow afternoon then that will be the case. Together we are strong.

It could also be that some of you reading this blog will go into a bit of processing about being interfered with. I would like to reassure you that interference coming from what we would consider to be 'dark energy' is just a matter of energetic balance finding itself within our reality. Whenever we, as groups, organise ourselves to bring in the highest energies of light into the planet, that group on the planet which holds dark energy would perceive that as a threat and react accordingly. Such is the dance of the universe.
A lot of you have heard me say this but I always draw the analogy to the Godfather films where, when a person is subjected to negative actions, it is just business not personal. This is also the case in spiritual work.

It is very rare that an individual is singled out for particular attention by those of our brothers in incarnation who are on the left-hand path (Black Magicians). Generally, interference is directed at the group of which you are a part. Just holding the energy of bringing the highest light will cause a reaction from this group and there is nothing to fear about it if you are able to hold your intention, your power, and your space.
It seems in my particular case, I am one of the few where this has been made an exception, and this is probably why Christine and I have found it so difficult over the last three years. However, this is of no import when, as a group, we can come together in consciousness and stand firm against the forces that wish to enslave humanity in the lower three chakras of the personality.

I know we will be successful tomorrow thanks to your efforts, the continued support of spirit, and the inevitable outcome whereby the light will always overcome the dark.
All my love and thanks.

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