Saturday, October 4, 2008

Some of you reading this blog will have memories about the blogger I put out when I first found out that I had cancer three years ago. Then, as now, it felt it would be of service to put out the experience I was going through to all of the students that we had taught. The business we are in is healing. It felt that my perceptions about the process of having cancer, going through operations in hospital, and how it affected the lives of Christine myself, would help all of us to understand the process that our patients will go through if they contact the same kind of illness. This reasoning still holds good as I now write this blogger.
Since the operations that I had in Cairo, in the summer of 2006, I have had three lumps appear in my neck, and then through the efforts of the energies of Angelic Reiki disappear. This year, with the conference that we undertook in Luxor, Egypt, the pattern has changed. I do not know what it was about the energies that we brought through at this conference, but what it did was shift the cancer into a very aggressive mode. I have not been able to eat solid food since April of this year. I have been in variable amounts of pain from extreme to annoying. This time last year I was taking 50 mg Tramadol, which is the morphine-based painkiller. Now, I am on three times that dose. I do not care what anybody says, if they take the high ground about using the energies of spirit to cure illness, and decrying the use of conventional treatment, if you are in extreme pain it will change your mind. This has been the case with me. Two months ago, I made the decision to come back to England and see the doctors here. As fate would have it, the doctor I ended up seeing was the same doctor I saw two years ago that only gave me one year to live. He still finds it incomprehensible that I am still around after not doing conventional treatments
Six weeks ago the same doctor took some biopsies from two lumps in my neck, and an ulcer in the back of my throat on the left-hand side. All of the results were positive. After seeing this doctor to get the results, he said the cancer was inoperable because it had invaded so many parts of my tongue, jaw, and throat, that to remove all of these parts would not be feasible. They therefore decided that the best treatment was a very aggressive regime of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Even the doctors said that this treatment would be very, very hard. They also offered a less aggressive treatment that would not be curative, but would be paliative, which means it will give me more time. After due consideration, Christine and I have chosen this option.
We do not accept, as the doctors do, that this is a fete accomplie. For us, this illness could go tomorrow. For me, it is buying me more time so that I can find out finally what the causes are and clear it. With this particular treatment they are saying it may give me up to 2 more years in the physical. That is two more years where I can focus my attention on it and tried to clear it. And so it is that I find myself going into St James's Hospital, Leeds, on Monday for the first round of chemotherapy that will last for five days. I will then take two weeks off, and then repeat the process for up to 6 times. After all of the chemotherapy has been completed, I will then have to do to five-day sessions of radiation therapy, with a two week break between each one. The whole of this treatment will take me into March of next year.
Since coming to England, and now having access to books and information that is not readily available in Egypt, Christine and I have found a program of natural remedies that we are now instigating as part of doing, and complementing, Angelic Reiki. It is a complete program using vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, specific kinds of food etc. Later, I will post this program to this blogger so that you can see the programme for yourselves, and it may be that in the future you could save it and copy it to give to your patients if they are experiencing cancer.
It is Christines and my feeling that the reason why Angelic Reiki has not cleared it, but has kept it at bay for the last two years, is that we needed to look at lifestyle. This means that we needed to look at diet, what I have been drinking, the way I have been living life. It involves a complete change of emphasis in thought, outlook, and creating a balanced environment both in my body, and around myself. Again, I will share this with you through this blogger.
Again, I would ask you all that you refrain from sending me any healing. I know this sounds strange, but I am definitely working with specific energies of Spirit to clear this cancer down a certain line. It does feel that if lots of people send me healing from their perceptions of what cancer is, I will be getting a multitude of healing energies that may conflict with what I am trying to do. I would therefore ask all of you to focus your attention on sending me all of the energies of Spirit so that I may use them in the way that I see fit. This would be of the greatest service.
For those of you that are living close to Bradford, which is where I am now staying, I will just mention that I will be leading the Saltaire Meditation Group at specific times between now and Christmas. I cannot commit to every Friday, because of having to go into hospital for the treatment. I did a meditation this Friday, for the first time, and it was very successful. For those of you interested, the next time I will be doing the meditation at the Saltaire Meditation Group will be 17 October at 8 PM. It would be great if those of you that live close by could attend and we can create a group to bring in some powerful energies at a time on the earth where it is desperately needed.
And so my friends, I will share this experience with you over the next 3 to 4 months. Hopefully, as I try to be unconditional and neutral, there may be something in what I perceive that will help you in your work as Healers.
All my love.

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